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Swedish Massage

The earliest known massage principals date back to around 3000 BCE, however it is my belief that the practice has been with us from the beginning of humanity. When we injure ourselves, it is ingrained in us to manipulate the affected area. From this small act we can achieve three major benefits.

1. Determine the significants of the injury

2. Alleviate pain

3. Begin the process of recovery

Over the millennia many different modalities have developed, and I incorporate principals from a variety of disciplines, however my philosophy comes from the art of Swedish Massage. There is no other modality that offers the versatility of this discipline. 

Designed around long, gliding massage strokes, Swedish Massage is proven to reduce inflammation throughout the body, diminish cortisol levels, promote the bodies development of white blood cells, release adhesions in constricted fascia, and greatly reduce muscle tension

However the benefits of Swedish Massage are not just physiological. The psychological affects can be just as astounding. By reducing the stress hormone cortisol and activating the parasympathetic nervous system, clients are able to experience deep levels of relaxation and exhibit enhanced mood and outlook. Massage has shown to be beneficial for all kinds of behavioral disorders ranging from Depression and Anxiety to Attention-Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

What are some strategies I can take to reduce pain and anxiety between massages?

  • Get plenty of sleep

  • Reduce intake of inflammatory foods

  • Exercise at least three times a week

  • Practice regular meditation

  • Seek professional help when you need it